lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


El miercoles 15 de septiembre fuimos privilegiadas al ver la eclosion de un nido "in situ" (natural) en la playa "El Naranjo" a solo medio kilometro del campamento tortuguero.

Despues de ver todas las crias caminar al mar revisamos el nido. Encontramos de un total de 73 huevos, 68 eclosionados, 3 no tenian desarrollo embrionario y 2 presentaron desarrollo pero no lograron eclosionar.

On Wednesday 15th September we were priveleged enough to watch the hatching of a “in situ” (natural) nest on “El Naranjo” beach, just half a kilometer from the turtle protection camp.

After watching all the hatchlings emerge and run to the sea we cleaned the nest. We found a total of 73 eggs of which, 68 had hatched, 3 without embryo development and 2 with embryo development which failed to hatch.

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